
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Environment has a big impact on goals.

Environment has a big impact on goals. If the environment is hostile
to your goals you are less likely to succeed in your goal but if it's
in in line with your goals then you have much better probability of
getting to your goal.

Take for example my this years goal of writing each and everyday on
this blog. When I began it in January, I had to sttrugleu with it
sometime for coming up with ideas and some times to have to sit and
write a post. But as days went I set into a routine and the all time
net on my phone helped me to get my post done anywhere even if I had
no access to my laptop. The environment there provided me the net and
I setup my routines as discussed in an earlier post and this two
helped me in keeping to the timeline of my goals.

Now the environment and situation has changed drastically, the climate
is lot cooler, days are way longer and luxuary of all pervasive net is
no longer there. So as you can see limited my ability to post as often
as I used to. It's third week and I am still stuggling to get into a
rhythm. Slowly I am moulding routine and habit to adjust with this new

How do you feel about this? Does environment really affects your goal?
Or do you believe a strong will is all it requires to get things done!
Do comment!!