
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Prospect After AeSI Graduation!

Good Morning Gents,
I request all senior AeSI Members who occupying the positions within AeSI and the various branches throughout the country to share the responsibility for Placement for AeSI Graduates after course completion and there Post Graduation programmes in India and outside.There are number of issues you all need to sort out:
1) AeSI is still not listed on Ministry of HRD website .All initiative by AeSI HQ has not been fruitful in this regard.
2)AeSI Engineers should not be restricted to 60% for getting into future employment.There are numbers of AeSI Engineers who were placed with Quest ,Wipro and other places without 60% crietria on my personal request.I see no reason why other AeSI Members who are running the official position in AeSI cannot do same in case they are genuinely interested about welfare of AeSI Graduates.
3)It has been time that AeSI HQ takes up the matter that all Universities under AICTE cannot discriminate AeSI Engineers in there admission policy of Master's programme.
There should not be 60% criertia for PG admission as University/Colleges exams are not following the same assesment criteria like in AeSI program.So there is no question of equivalency of Grades.
4)Its time Members present in India show some initiative to present new generation of AeSI students with Quality Education.The new syllabus is rigorous and needs good training center for student to complete in decent time.AeSI was planning to open its training center in mid 90s and I am not sure what happened to the plan.
I would be highly obliged if all of you show bit of interest in development of AeSI Engineers.
Its not always possible for me in my official capacity  at NASA Goddard Space Center to contact with Indian concern and Institutions due to time difference and busy schedule.
If you guys are holding responsible position in AeSI,please ensure that you are doing justice to same.
All of you guys help in this regard would be very much appreciated.
Best regards


Bishnujee Singh
Chartered Engineer (EC-UK)
Chartered Scientist (SC-UK)
Associate Fellow CASI (Canada)
Fellow RAS(UK),MInstPhys
Flight Science Manager
10362 Jerusalem Road

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