
Thursday, April 09, 2009

One resume tip that will help you land a job

Today i want to share one resume tip that has the potential to land you to a job. Yes just one tip, if followed can fetch you the interview call.

I have already talked about various tips no resume writing and sending, but there's one basic thing that can make sure you are called for the interview.

All you need to do make your resume two page long and keep only the stuff related to the job requirement.

Yes this is the only thing you have to do. Make your resume fit in two pages and keep only the relevant data. And take my words this works. The focussed resume has magic in it and if its done right, it will never fail in getting you an interview call.

Why it works? Will theorize on it in some other post, but for now try this when you send in your resume next time.

Try it!