
Monday, April 20, 2009

5 firms all avionics stream graduates should keep an eye on!

As i have already remarked in my previous posts, if someone to ask me which stream has good potential, then i see avionics as the leader right now.

Most of the job openings coming to my mail box are related to avionics, then most of the opportunity i see talked about in office are from this domain.

So when avionics is getting this spicer, i thought of listing 5 companies that avionics graduates should keep in their radar!

Honeywell india
Goodrich services india
Airbus india
Quest global
HCL india

well this are the companies that are having a part in indian avionics industry. I have just scratched the surface, i know you will add more names to this list. So feel free and fill in the names in comments.