
Monday, March 09, 2009

How to create a schedule or study time table that you will stick

image How to create a schedule or time table that you will stick. A time table that you will adhere to and a timetable that will keep you sane and on track of your studies. I began my tracking and sticking to time table techniques in my class VII. This was the time I was introduced to this concept and I readily grabbed it.

The system was simple draft a time table and then stick with it throughout that year. Yes stick with it no matter what. No major changes and no deviations.

So how I did it? Making time table was easy I decided on the time that I had for each day of the week and month and then divided the time that I wanted to have for studies and then divided the study time among various subjects. My tuition teacher seeded my attitude regarding this and it was his influence that I became a regular study guy than the one who sat with books just before exams.

What are the things I took in account when I did this routine. I kept my schedule loose. I was not harsh and kept a minimum time limit for all subjects. It was lenient. I can skip a thing but I had the luxury to just put in 60 minutes in any particular subjects. I usually mixed writing subjects with reading subjects, science with history, math's with geography and so on so every time I didn't get bored even when I had to sit for studies for more than 3 hours.

What was the best thing that helped me succeed in this routine was the minimum time limit that I set and the commitment that whatever be the results of the task, I will stick with the time I have allotted. Sometimes I was just sitting there having the book in my hand and just reading only one paragraph. But I stayed there and maybe wondered in my dreams but never got up to pass the time. This helped me a lot and finally I was in mould with this so much that I never studied more than the required even during the exams.

Are you using a time table for your studies?