
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where Vs How – IPL 20-20

Which is more important where or how? Answer this before you proceed. Yes carry on….. I'll wait.

For me I feel where is the more important. Where I spend my most of the time is more important than how I spend it? Deciding on spending time in catia rather than in the coffee shop is more important than how will I spend the time.

Where means action, where as how delves in the realm of thinking. How encourages one to postpone the decision whereas where sets the agenda.

I see the success of IPL as the win of WHERE. Whereas ICL was mainly concerned with HOW, the grounds and stuff so it is stuck and had limited success compared to IPL

Which project to work on is more important, more crucial than how. Deciding on where and which will enable you to take on the next stage of how. How is important but not so as where and which.

How is learnable. Where is the decision. The ability to decide on where and which is the core of it. This is where IPL succeeded. How can you use this in your journey of AeSI.

AeSI in this regards confronts you with so many choices,which stream to choose from Section A to Section B choice, Doing or Not doing a training choice, so the most successful or good choice is not how you execute it, but  the choice is to choose the where before you think about the how. Once the WHERE is chosen, innumerable resources are available for anyone to get a jump start in to his or her chosen calling. Its always great. So take heart and choose the where, how will follow…

What do you think? I would love to know your views. please share them in the comments.

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