
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 things to do when you receive the result.

AeSI result is expected any day this week, so I thought why not write about 3 things that I did in my AeSI days that helped me start the next semester. So without any delay, lets begin.

1. Whatever the result communicate it to anyone who cares. I have seen people in my days of AeSI hiding results from their parents, friends. That's counter productive as it puts you under more pressure. Pressure of lying. Many a times I got unexpected results but whatever it was I was truthful with it and communicated it to my parents. Yes they will sad angry and disappointed but my truth never gave them false assumption and my conscience was clear.

2. Analyze your results.  Now a days you get marks along with the declaration of results and don't have to wait for mark sheet to arrive as we had to. So whatever be your marks. Take out the question paper and try to ascertain why you got those marks? How short are you from the highest. Yes it easy to blame the pattern and bad governance of AeSI but here you need to stop that and objectively access the things from your angle. Where you did wrong and where you did right. Refresh yourself of all the feeling that you had in the examination hall.

3. Last of all, after all the analysis take out 3 action steps that you learnt from the above exercise and implement them in your study routine for the next semester. Like when I did this exercise while in AeSI, i always got 2 or 3 tips to improve on my study technique.

So guys and gals these were some of things I did on getting my result. So what do you think? Do you do anything similar? Do share in the comments.

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