
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Section A to Section B of AeSI

AtoB This semester many of you will cross the first milestone of AeSI and you will be at the that milestone of AeSI that each and every AeSI students crossed. Its the transition from section A to section B. 

From this A to B many things change apart from the letters. Well that's the matter for some another post. For this post I want to focus on the inevitable question that pops up in an AeSI student.

What stream to choose in Section B? I have tackled this question many times here in this blog and was one of my reason to begin the OURAeSI club back in 2002! 

And today I want to point you to one paragraph from Trent, where he correctly puts the words to my feeling on this matter.

Similarly, I should have ignored any and all advice relating to what major you should or shouldn’t have if you want to earn a good income. Earning a good income relies much more on building diverse and marketable skills, not what you majored in - what’s actually important is that you completed a degree and learned some generally useful skills along the way.

Yes this is true and as I see my career and careers of my friends it feels so true. After all being in the industry is all about the skills that you possess, the skills that you accumulate, so when you are at this stage of the AeSI just choose that feels close to your passion and what you enjoy doing. That will be a correct choice. Don't base it on other's  opinion or others choices or what others are doing or saying.

Seniors reading this please share your views regarding this in the comments.

You might want to read: What stream to choose in section B?  and “I want to work in my core field”