
Monday, December 29, 2008

3 things that AeSI has improved in the year 2008

This year is drawing to an end. How was the year for you? Mine went ok and as far as AeSI is concerned there are this  3 things that AeSI has improved in the year 2008!!

AeSI now has its official new website. Previously it was under NAL but now AeSIs site is managed more professionally.  In case you don’t know it yet the old site is now,  the official website of the aeronautical society of India.

This year the old syllabus is almost out and new is in. The new syllabus of AeSI looks good on paper but only the students studying them will have the real feedback how is it on the field.

3rd change as Bishnujee ji has informed is the Accreditation that AeSI degree has got. Here is what he said. AeSI degree is not only equivalent to BSc in aerospace but its BSc(honours)! Many thanks to Bishnujee for all the efforts he is taking in this regards.

AeSI is definitely changing. I am not as attached to AeSI as I was a couple of years ago and this limits my comment on this subject. I know many of you are more involved and you have more knowledge about this so feel free to tell me in the comments.