
Sunday, October 19, 2008

A historic moment for all aerospace engineers of India!!

Well AeSI engineers… a historic moment for all aerospace engineers of India!! The launch of chandrayaan… From the time I have heard about the mission I was fascinated by the prospect..

Even before the impacter was mentioned in the media, I remember I was discussing such a thing with my friends….. in pursuit of this interested I began documented all the news that I got for this mission in a blog dedicated to chandrayaan mission!! I am glad it has grown and when I look at it now it has all the information about the mission.

Thanks to my friends and people who has send in the entries..

Here’s the list of the best posts of the blog that will help you decipher the full mission.

if you are not able to see the links above Click Here

Rejoice aerospace engineers' its history that India will make this 22nd October launch.

I have made many wallpapers and a game to commemorate the events. Hope you will enjoy it too.