
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

5 Studying tips from my maths teacher at GIE?

Always begin from the basics….I remember the classes of my mathematics teacher in GIE.

He just like Natrajan sir. Always approached the problem from the basics. Whenever he was absolving a maths problem. He didn’t just write the formulae for it but analyzed it from basics…

Don’t skip small steps.. yes they take time but they also reduce the chances of making silly mistakes. If your are making many silly mistakes .then skipping steps must be the culprit. Try practicing not skipping simple steps and you will notice how effective your studies will become.

When reading something, read aloud. I know for sure that this works betters in terms of understanding than just reading in your mind. Hearing your own words you register the problem more than by just reading in your mind. Read aloud.

Begin from known to unknown… from simple to complex.. When you get a problem that you haven’t seen before start not from the end but from the basics and do one thing at a time.. go forwards one step at a time.

A big problem is like a stair case that is covered in fog. So the best way to not getting hurt is go one step at a time and from the close to the end….. just trying hard to see the other end of the staircase in the fog is not the solutions… see the next step and do it. this will bring your closure.

Always give yourself homework at the end… this is one of the most important lesson that you can take from Ganapati sir. He always had a habit of giving us 2 problems as homework. So whatever your are studying. At the end of the study session get a pen and and a notebook and in it assign yourself a homework that is assign yourself two question that the you will do when you next time study that subject…

This is very effective technique..there are 2 when you summarize and think of two questions for the next session. Your mind will consolidate all the things you have learnt in that session and you will have a quick recap of the things your studies.. The other advantage is that once you start you next session of study for the subject it will be your warn up question. It will quickly allow you to get more productive in your study. In my work when I am leaving for the day I intentionally leave a little task undone… so that next day when I come back… I don’t wait for my mind to figure out what to do… I know that small thing has to be done and I just dig in doing that… this usually starts my day!!