
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Opportunity to Apply your Knowledge is more Important that Learning a new Software

In continuation with my 7 tips on getting maximum out of training for AeSI guys, this is the second tip.

Opportunity to apply your knowledge is more important that learning a software. In my days of training, I was fortunate that after seeing my credentials, I was assigned the work on gas turbine performance. This was much better than working on CATIA or any other analysis software’s, where there was very less chance of applying my knowledge. Though from this task I graduated to learn solid works for my task but I was fortunate that I got the real engineer task of design by formulae’s before getting my hands dirty with the software.

I know many of you will tell me that learning software is more likely to get you a job than applying your skills. Well yes you are true but that’s only for short term. IF you need to excel in long term than you need to build your core skills not nail polish some tricks of in-demand software. IF job is what you desire then go for it but if you have a career in mind then build your fundamental skills first. They are way important than the software skills.

How to do that?

Well its not that everyone gets his or her desired work profile as a trainee But its always true that its your attitude towards the assignment and how you accomplish that that will show where you stand and where you will go.

So whatever be the task you have been assigned, do it with your maximum effort. As stated in the previous post, if you have clear purpose of joining the training then think of ways to align or include your purpose into the work you are doing.

Create mini challenges for you if the task in not challenging enough. I know of a fiend who was given the task of getting the flight test data of SARAS aircraft, now all he has to do it was to input the flight data as it came and then plot the results. He did this all the time and now it was routine. During lunch he always used to say: “yaar, koi accha kaam hi nahi hai” here I would have suggested that guy that when he knows that the work is repetitive and it’s always the same, why not automate it. Excel is great tool. He can create a template so just inputting the data will be enough. Create a challenge that you will optimize the work and get the maximum benefit.

So challenge yourself, to do things that you are to do but with the things that will help your grow. Carry on with your assignments but mix those assignments with the dash of your purpose and how you benefit from the whole exercise.