
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Why the begining of last semester of AeSI for skills development

Last week i talked about 6 steps that an aesi student should take while in his last semester. A friend reading the blog suggested it shouldn't be always the beginning of the last semester. Professional and skill development can or should ideally begin as one enters the section B stage.

In a way he is right but my logic of choosing beginning of the last semester is that. This is the phase after which the student is most likely get into the industry. So he or she should be more proactive in his/her skills development in this months.

By skills development, i mean learning catia, nastran, hypermesh, ansys, c or whatever that a person thinks he will need in future.

Starting early gives you an edge that you might learn more and will garner more skills. But this has a serious disadvantage that one might loose interest in a skill one is working for so long, and as it happened with my fiend, you burnout and there is no enthusiasm left for the skill.

This leads to laziness when its time to practice and since you see lot of time ahead before you need to apply the skill you are learning skill, you slack off.

So i prefer the last semester. It gives you more focus and direction. You are less likely to loose you enthusiasm for catia,nastran or whatever you are learning.

I did my C the most distinct skills that i had while i graduated from aesi, in last semester. This is when i made a goal of writing basic c program related to aerospace in C every weekday. I kept the habit in whole of my penultimate semester in aesi. I didn't always had access to the computer,so i always wrote my program in my diary. This has helped me a lot in getting recognition in all the jobs that i did after graduating.

What do you think? Which is the best time for an aesi student to seriously begin building his/her skills? Is last 6 months ok or one needs to give more time?