
Friday, July 11, 2008

How positive are you about your AMAeSI exams?

This was the question that i asked all of the aesi folks that visited this blog and what is the verdict. Well majority of the votes saids they are 100% positive about the june 2008 amaesi results!! That's a good sign and i hope the results also reflect this positivity.

Another thing of importance was that only one person went below 50%. Way to go aesi folks!! This is on the attitude that will help you excel!!

So now what? In my previous blog i have presented 8 things that you can after exams? How many of those you actually did? Do tell me? I will also like suggestion from you about the topics that you want this blog to be covered so that its more relevant to you guys and gals!!!

You are lucky in one way that you have this blog and many groups and community that give advice and direction. During my time there was nothing, so i had to began ouraesi, the group!! Do you whom did i ask about which stream to choose for section b of aesi? Yes NAL's Srinivas Bhogle

Also read : 6 things you should begin doing in your last semester

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