
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

DAE University Cancels aerospace and aviation Programs for Fall 2008

Below is the mail of DAE that i received... read it

It is with deep regret that we inform you that plans for DAE University are to be put on hold as the economic recession tightens its grip on the aviation industry. Against a backdrop of growing uncertainty affecting many businesses, admission to the University and academic courses are being postponed until demand returns.

DAE University was established to become a global leader in aviation and aerospace higher education. While that ambition remains firmly held, the demand for the aerospace workforce has shifted amid a deteriorating global economy. A decision has therefore been reached by Dubai Aerospace Enterprise to concentrate its investment on the DAE Flight Academy, our pilot training school, which is training new pilots that are in such short supply everywhere around the world.

DAE University President, Dr. George Ebbs commented “The economic recession has dampened the market with a surplus of skilled workers now available within the industry, as carriers worldwide reduce numbers or worse, close their businesses. This reduces demand for our University programs as fewer job opportunities now exist for our graduates.”
This is the mail that i got from DAE? Is this the first sign that aerospace is also feeling the pinch or economic recession? What do you think? In my next couple of post i will highlight 5 steps that aesi aerospace engineers can take so that they don't miss the aerospace boom!