
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Advice to AeSI students before you begin the next semester

You all might be waiting for the aesi exams results. And are preparing to begin the next semester. Next session classes in GIE are about to begin. Today I will talk about a distractive trend that I have seen in Chennai among the students of AeSI. Instead of opting for classes in GIE they go for the classes from other AeSI fellows. This is the trend that I have seen.

For the AeSI guy teaching it means quick bucks and for the one studying it means more personalized study and he or she is more comfortable in clearing his or her doubts.

But I feel this is wrong. Knowledge is like energy and it degrades as it passes from one person to other. Just like the laws of thermodynamics, work capacity of system degrades as entropy is always increasing. Same way knowledge also has a way of eroding as it’s passed. So take this knowledge from the person who has the highest experience in it, not from the next guy who cleared the subject last year.

Take it from the source which initially imparted the knowledge to the guy or gal not from someone who claims to give you all his notes. His notes will be great but the knowledge that will tickle down will be of low quality and with gaps. So always opt for good faculty. Its good to have a second backup tuition but the main source shouldn’t be ignored.

Let me give you an example during my days of AeSI, it was with advance strength of materials. There were two options, there was one new professor in GIE and then there was some bhiaya. Since the professor was new students had doubts that if he would be able to teach properly so majority of the students went for the bhaiya. Well its not that bhiya was incompetent but the professor being the senior in the field had more experience and he taught with his focus on building fundamentals while the bhiya taught us with the tricks he did to clear the exams. I enrolled in for both of them and it is here I saw the difference.

Finally what matters is the fundamentals and they are to be taken from the best source and I am glad I didn’t leave the professor even though I opted for the classes of that bhaiya.

So my word of advice to all AeSI students beginning there new semester is study from an experience professor, in the long run they will impart you more quality knowledge than anyone else. It good to supplement this with the classes of bhiyas’s but don’t ignore that fact that the faculty in GIE or any other institute you are studying is more important than any other option.