
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How positive are you about your AMAeSI exams?

AMAeSI exams are in progress. Some of you might have completed your exams, some might be in the last leg and for some it might not have began till now. So for those who have completed their amaesi exams, please do tell us how you have done.

I am running a poll on the my-aesi blog asking all the aesi students giving exams "How positive are you about your AMAeSI exams?" So do participate in the poll. If you are reading this via a feed reader, please visit my-aesi blog by this link and vote.

The poll is in the side bar. I have just now checked the results of the on going poll which will run till mid of july and saw that one person has voted 100%.

So How positive are you about your AMAeSI exams?

Vote now!!