
Monday, May 12, 2008

AeSI Members in Bangalore region: UPDATE your DETILAS WITH AeSI BGL branch

Aeronautical society of India is planning to increase their members’ base and the level of participation for the programmes /seminars being organized during the calendar year 2008. In the recent past the efforts to contact the members failed mainly due to the outdated contact details of the members. Hence, during the last General Body Meeting it was decided to validate and update the details of the members and keep the members informed about activities planned for the future.

The society would like you to actively involve yourself and participate in all the activities for the members and make it a grand success.

YOU ARE REQUESTED TO RE VALIDATE THE DETAILS. Just fill up your details and send it to

here is the document you need to update

change the NAME of the attached doc file after filling details with your membership number eg. G18120.doc

Update: The email seems to be wrong. i will update it as soon as i get the info.