
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wisdom of Dr Harinarayan Kota

I was thinking of writing to you all about what I got from my stint at NAL, National Aerospace Labs. So while thinking about the theme, I shot one email to my friends who have also worked in these prestigious organization just after graduating. Just like me, every one had a positive experience and I liked the reply from my friend kishore and I liked it so much that I want to just copy and paste the whole thing he wrote. I was inspired and hope you too will.


But before that a little background, unlike me, kishore worked under two bosses while in NAL. So for him it was two stints in NAL. But the one he mentioned was the one when he worked under Dr Harinarayan Kota, Director, ADA and Project Director, LCA Project!!  And this is what he wrote me in the mail.


1)  I learnt some basics of management. Or I can say I learnt about the joy which you get after successfully managing and finishing the task.


2)  Second thing I learnt from him is that, ball should never be in your court. It should always in the other person’s court; this shows that you are doing your part.


3) One more thing he once told me and later showed me also that no one is that important, important is the responsibilities and the task given to you. And to finish your own responsibilities, many times you have to tell others that they are important.



The fact that I liked the most is the third point. What about you?