
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Three things I've learned in NAL - revisited

For those you, who might not know, after AeSI, I did training in NAL under Dr. Ramamurthy and during that time I wrote many blog entries though my reliance mobile phone. This is one of those….


This might be my first entry or a rarest entry on my experience in NAL. Well the three things are work hard; no work is small and be a delivery boy. That is, deliver what is expected of you. Come to an organization like this and you will realize the importance of aesi. You'll realize how it has lifted you without your knowing.


...You'll realize the truth when someone says "Gadhe ko ghora banati hai aesi" Don't want to say that AeSI's way is right but after coming and hearing by your own ears, you see the truth in word that Mr. Bishnujee uses for aesi graduates. Specialist! Yes it’s true. Maybe seeing the results and facing uncertain exams don't inspire this feeling, but trust me; once you are in this side of the river you will definitely see my point. Anyway hope here's wishing that the reforms aesi is doing now do bear fruits and do make one feel proud of your degree while doing it.


Well this was my post in the in January 2006. As you will notice the post is not complete. Since at that time I had reliance phone and I used it to send my posts via its mobile internet and it never allowed more than 160 character, so while sending posts with breaks, the flow broke and I missed out the points. So i thought of revisiting the topic.


As mentioned earlier, working hard, do all work required of you and being a delivery boy was what I learnt from NAL. I have touched about the realization of the knowledge that i gathered during AeSI only after coming to NAL. But I missed out the delivery boy stuff.


Well by that I meant. When you are given a task, deliver the result not an excuse. As my previous mentor in NAL used to say, "Give me results not excuses!"  Push yourself here in your training days and you will reap rich rewards!  Whenever we mentioned that we don't this software, he always chided us “You are young, learn it and deliver!!" So NAL made cemented the delivery in me. 


So folks if you are doing training at any of the institution, be diligent and make the most of the time you are there. Sometimes the tasks assigned to you might look un-engineer type, mundane and plain simple, but remember AeSI might have given you the aero skills and knowledge but the social, writing and other skills you will develop here in your training working among real people, real work and in real world!!


Please share your experience in comments!!!


To read the original post click these links\2006\01\three-things-ive-learned-in-nal-part.html\2006\01\three-things-ive-learned-in-nal-part_17.html\2006\01\three-things-ive-learned-in-nal.html