
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Boeing's electric plane

I read this piece of article on web. It was usual news-type article except the last line which caught my attention.


You go through it; perhaps your aeronautical mind will catch the word!!


"The fuel-efficient engine developed by General Electric for The Boeing Co.'s 787 Dreamliner began its flight test program 22nd Feb. on the wing of a 747 test plane.


In a statement, GE said, "The GEnx engine took to the skies today in Victorville, Calif., marking the start of flight-testing on GE's 747 flying test-bed. During the three-hour first flight, the GEnx-1B engine demonstrated aircraft systems and instrumentation functionality, climbed to more than 43,000 feet and established engine performance baseline for flight-testing.''


The 787 will be a much more electric plane than previous commercial jetliners, and will not use bleed air from the engines to run certain systems."


So far so good, but the word electric plane stuck me and upon investigating found some good facts about the Boeing’s new airliner


We know much about the new jet's composite wings and fuselage, its cabin innovations and the next-generation, fuel-efficient engines, but what is this "electric”? To find out get going