
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Resume -ur first impression

Today got a resume of an AeSI guy and after seeing the resume, its content and structure, even I would not hire the guy. I know the guy so I could picture him to be well dressed and decent but if it were through his resume I saw an untidy, ill-dressed person, ugly in manners. So please guys make an effort to have a resume that’s shows you in good light.


If you are not getting called, think hard your low experience might not be the reasons for getting an interview call instead this seemingly small thing about how you present yourself is.


Résumé’s purpose is to make a first impression so that the person gets a call for an interview. So don’t just-do-it. Take time and thought before you shoot your resume for a requirement or else the dustbin is where they ultimately end up


More on resume stuff in my next post, but till then a bit of advice… first impression DO count!!