
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Its been a long time

Hi its been a long time since i have posted here. Well a new person has entered my life and she consumed all my time that was left after work but now as her internet connection is off the air i'M free to post. First thing i want to say is that from now on this blog will write about my job search experience. I am an paid employee in nal. At last i can say that i had a stint of government service. My say comes from centre fund so its good to know that the work that i did for is finally been rewarded financially. Though not much but any salary is better than none. So i am happy for time being and as my one year in nal is over i can reflect and say that i've learnt. A lot from this organisation and under my boss. He rolled the ball and showed me the way and with my aero engineering knowledge i did all the goals. He gave me the opportunites and i took them. It was an event full one year where i leant a lot, some technical and project management stuff. Its good to know that now as a paid employee i've been offered more and more things to do and i'm enjoying every moment of it. The best thing that i can saw i have gained from the work here is the confidence that aesi are truely the best and once you have the confidence we can get anything that we want. I have learnt the hand of hold just a hard work away. All i need to do is work and show my capabilities in the right place and then going to the top is no big deal. So from now on i'll share my job experience here and will list all the pitfalls and success that i've encountered. I don't know when i'll get the job i want.. Though i came so close to it but then i am sure god has something big, good and more wonderfull in store for me. So i'm trying to get it. First criteria for a job is how much i want i need more than 30k per month right now. And am i skilled enough for a company to pay me that kind of money. I guess i'm but i need few more skills to pick up and then i don'T be telling this . So off i go. Hope by next week i'm more comfortable with the cad tool that everyone is asking. If i'm then i would say i have half crossed the limit and the other half i'll complete by the end of this month so that when i go for interviews now i don't be one of the best but the best of the lot.