
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Theme of the year!!!

- Jim Rohn - "The more you know the less you need to say."
Well  this  is  the  random quote  that came up as i opened my  gmail account!!  well  liked it immediately  and  now  this  year in 2006, it will be my  theme of the year.
The more you know the less you need to say!!!!  so know  more, i am  known to be not  so gregarious, and  it  might seem that  its shouldn't be the right  thing  for me. But hey, i don't  know what this quote said to  you, but  to me it shouted know more!!!! 
With  my resolutions almost ready to be finalised,  i  hope  i complete them  fully this year, last year's resolutions were too steep and  too broad so this  time i have taken care to make them  clear cut and  not  let some loose ground to go around them. 
Most of them involve my career  this time and i  hope i will complete each and every one of  it.
With  2005  has given me a lot, i hope the coming year  fulfill all my wishes and gives me the power to  do  what i would like to  do  the most in the world  that is to make a difference!!!