
Tuesday, December 27, 2005



As promised I  would  to  write  something on my meeting with Mr. Bishnujee Singh.

This I am doing for the benefits of the people who were not able to meet him  due  
exams or  other reasons.

Since so many days have passed and I can't  boast of a crystal memory, so all I will 
pen is what I have retained and remember. Another thing is the lettering may not be 
exact what Mr. Bishnujee said  but the essence is same.

Clad in a white t-shirt with Boeing 787's front view jutting out  from the chest region, he 
sat in one corner of his hotel room in front of his open laptop, while we, four of us , 
circled him.

Introductions  apart  he  moved on to the themes  and the discussions that  were 
interesting  revealing and inspiring. 

Here I try to present  his advice on various things.

On finding jobs:

Don't  only  just  go for the newspaper jobs, These  mostly come out at last resort or as  supplements. So  when you are ready, just send in your  resumes direct to the hiring  managers!!!!!  Reference do  play a part so select it carefully.

On general mood of the aesi people.

Change your attitude, be proud of what you are doing.  Know and believe its one of the 
best course that  you are doing. Know your worth. And  instead of looking  on the 
negative people of aesi  but see  bright  sides  like anshuman etc and so  many others  who  are and have achieved  success. Face the sun and all shadows will fall behind!!!!!

On studying:

Read  entirely. read with passion and with full dedications. Studying for AMAeSI is a full  time job. Devote your full time to it. Save yourself from part time jobs craze unless it  helps in your professional development.

On Mtech:

As  my views in ouraesi, its  more important to  get  some good experience in some 
blue-chip  companies than studying  oceans and HR in IIT's!!!!  The  world  comes to 
India not to get a manager but and engineer. So  get those skills.

On studying abroad,

Well  I insist on UK  because its much more easier to  get there and study than US 
and one should  have a minimum  work exposure so that they don't feel alien  to the ms  courses offered!!! 

Well  that's  it for  now. This is the only  thing  I remember right now, will write back if I 
remember something else. And  yes,  as I said the wording may not be exact same 
but  the essence is totally same.

But  before I close I would  like to add  a thanks to  Mr. Bishnujee for the time  and the 
effort he took for all of us.  Its  great to see a person making a difference. And like the  
Boeing 787 soaring on his t shirt, I wish him all the best for his  career and wish it to 
soar new heights!!!!