
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A little apology

  First of all a little apology, i owe to  you  all for  sending one message  repeatedly for three times, actually it was  a problem with my  mobile which i used sending the message, it  showed server not responding and i clicked thrice. Sorry!!!

Anyway,  exams  are over, at least for propulsion and aerodynamics students!!!   This  time the general mood of the exam was happy  except of course the Flights exams which  got  questions from ASM and Prop three.

As someone i talked pointed out, "this time  questions in aesi exams were knowledge based!" and  seeing VMD, ASM, P3 and MATHS 3 paper, i think he  is not  exactly  wrong.

More on exams latter !!! And yes, if  you  sometime  see  one message posted more than once, please ignore cause you  know  my  mobile misfired!!!!