
Monday, November 07, 2005

mobile killed big posts

Is  my  mobile  killing  my  big  posts,  i  guess it  is. Though  it  gives  me the advantage of posting whenever i want and most importantly  in giving the instant reactions to events  but  its  killing this  long  posts  i like  so  much to  write.
In that  tiny  screen, i  do  like to  post  big  but  none of the phones i have tried  is  doing  it  right now,  so  till then i  have decided that  i Will use my Internet  time  writing this stuff than roaming here and there in cyberspace.
In  near  future I'm also planning to  get a pen drive and then i think, the post will be regular and more bigger as i can write them at  my  PC in office and  post them here.
Flash  is  surely  be a boon for me. 
Sitting in net  doesn't  even  allow  the feelings  come  by and to  write them  so  i'll  write  from my  pc  now.  Got  lot to  tell.......