
Saturday, October 01, 2005


Oops well  that's  what  come out, as i saw my  PDA not getting connected to this cyber cafes computer and and so  guys please  wait for the next  post. There were two of them and i promise I'll post them by tomorrow or  at the latest  by  Monday evening.
One of it will go to ouraesi, because it concerns a trend among aesi students that needs to be stopped and others are just  usual  my  musings.
Anyway,  let me announce that ouraesi is now  getting at least 8 members per week  now and its growing  good.  So  carry on guys. good things  should flourish.
One more thing,  please begin contributing, its the ultimate mantra to  happiness. Hey  i have  become philosophical,  maybe  you  guys should call me me  some  baba  now.....