
Saturday, October 08, 2005

a great concern really

I totally  agree with vladimir.  Its  a grave  concern and  it  must  be stopped. I have faced the same and i would like to tell everyone in who is from aesi and is doing training "don't  dig  hole for  your fellow aesian's, set a good example".

The day i went in NAL for the first time, i felt and i felt it again today through a friend of mine. Please don't dig graves while you are doing training.

What do i mean? I mean don't commit to any training if u are not serious of continuing it, don;t come to training  for "...aisse hi kar raha huin, kuch aur karneko nahi hai".  This is injurious to everyone including you.

While on training two things have startlingly become clear to me, one aesi graduates are truly knowledgeable and i have heard senior scients acknowledge the fact and the other not so good fact is that aesi folks are not responsible. The first thing my guide scientist said to me as i  asked for training under him was, " aesi     guys are good but you folks are not trust worthy, i know u will leave any day!, sorry i can't take you.", And i would have easily vanished his remark if i didn't have the knowledge that he is talking from his personal experience.

I was lucky that i could convince my scientist and got this but not everyone gets that and today as i saw the face of one of my acquaintance, who didn't get training just because some few lucky idiots got the chance easily and dumped it when they wanted, without even bothering what  repercussions it will have on future persons who seek the training seriously and who need it.

So, i got one little request to everyone doing the training right now that please be responsible, you got here easily but that doesn't give you the right to dig graves for the future aspirants. Be responsible. And when you are here, you have twin responsibilities,  and the other one is for the scientist who took you in. He didn't took u out of pity to give some training to u, but he needed a hand in work , so he wrote that "I'm willing to take this guy as my trainee "  Don' betray his judgement! You don't walk away from the movie theatre while your companion is watching the movie.
 And for all those who are planning to come,  please do a thorough soul searching that  u can continue and will continue it for the stipulated time period, know very well the reason why you want the training and will the organisation you choose will be help in that goal.
And believe me, this phenomenon of digging the grave is not local but I've talks with friends who confirm that it s really widespread. Even GTRE Scientist are very skeptics taking aesi  trainees. 

And  on the final note, the CTFD head of NAL, i heard said pointing to three students of aesi doing training there,"This is the last batch of aesi in CTFD , i won't  take any more" 
So  folks be responsible and remember pioneers don't  burn the bridges after they cross the river, they  built  it.