
Thursday, September 22, 2005

AeSI rule has changed

Hi  there, 
Well here's  a news from AeSI. I was not able to categorise the news on whether it is bad or good  due  to  lack of information. It  concerns the reappearing rule.  So here is the basic  text  of the mail sent to GIE by AeSI. Concerned  person note and the rest  of  us, lets  find out "Is it  good or bad news!!!"
The Governing Council has approved following update in the Rule No. 7 in the Rules for the Examination. This concerns options for students to improve scores in various subjects, comes in force with immediate effect, and now reads as follows:- "A student desirous of improving his/her score in any subject in which he/she has already secured a pass mark, may be given one extra chance to take the subject examination, and the higher of his/her two scores in the two attempts will be considered as his final score in that subject."
as  always