
Saturday, August 20, 2005


Hi there ,

To give you an update on what i am doing this days. Well i am Doing
UN - paid training in NAL. NAL,the lab recognised as one of CSIR's
best-managed national laboratories undertaking over a hundred high
science high technology R&D projects in aerospace, is the place i am
from 8 to 6 every weekdays!!!!

It was established on 1 June 1959 with offices in Delhi and moved to
Bangalore on 1 March 1960. I am at the bellur campus and for all
those guys who don't know why it is the bellur campus!! Its
because the lab is on the banks of the Bellandur lake. Yes that
ugly, stinky stream that you see while heading for it in the NAL
bus is the bellandur lake, once pure, but today a stream of nalla!!!
Tanks to us!!! But lets not talk of the environment now, this
is my roommates field and i would like to leave this to him to
write about.

Anyway this NAL campus houses the Nilakantan wind tunnele, named
after the first director of NAL Dr P Nilakantan (1910-1964). IT was
his passion and the drive that erected this 1.2m x 1.2m trisonic
wind tunnel !! And to all those folks in NAl who walk by the
wind tunnel, without bothering to take a second look, next time you
are near this structure do remember that every Indian aerospace
vehicle has graduated out of this remarkable facility!!!

For all those whose interest has sparked can know more about
these and more by following this links mentioned below
Story of Nilakantan National Trisonic Aerodynamic Facilities
The Story of NAL's Wind Tunnels,a remarkable saga of engineering

achievement in the early years after Indian Independence
History of NAL

Well that what there is to tell, but before i let you leave,
tell me something who pays for my training. No looking back is
allowed. If you have read the story you will know it!! (clue It
was mentioned in the very first line!!)

anyway enjoy the ride and do visit back