
Thursday, August 04, 2005

first day in NAL

So i am in NAL now working under a reputed propulsion scientist Dr
S ramamurthy. Well so what will i need to do now. what i will take
from here.

Well lots of things.

i will lern MATLAB, CFD and FEM anad apart from this i will take and
rub off the dedication that Dr ramamurthy employes. I will catch his
spirit and thininking in scientific and will make him proud of
having meas a project trainee. I want to make him feel that i am
capaple of great things.

I desire him to take the mentor role of that long ago Mr neogi my
maths teacher took. HE boosted me to the place i am now and i hope
and feel that Dr ramamurthy will do the smae with me.

I will dedicate my time effort in fullfilling his projects and hope
to help him thus.

and this blog will reprsent my feeling, acheivements, failures here.